Posted in Author Highlights, Uncategorized, young adult

This is Me ~ A Review~

I’ll admit it. I’m a huge fan of C.E. Wilson.

This means I snatched up the chance to get an ARC of her latest book. Check out the cover:

This is me (1)


So… was it everything I’d hoped for? Yep. And more.

This Is Me feels a bit futuristic, but more like an alternate universe.  It has a sci-fi feel to it that I love. Speaking of love… it has some great romance in it, too. That’s right. A well-blended work  that appeals to my geeky girly side. *Insert squeal here*

This is Me Teaser 4It starts out at your typical “working girl in the big bad city” but with a twist. Chloe has an A-SIST. That is, Rogan, her custom made AI bodyguard/companion. He walks her to and from school, he fetches her coffee, and he even goes to her open mic nights with her. But when Chloe meets Niven Adams, her life begins to change. He’s adorable and a smokin’ singer. At the encouragement of her best friend, Chloe dates Niven and for a while, they have a good thing. In the background of Chloe’s life is Rogan, and he’s jealous. Can robots get jealous? Is it jealousy at all?

This is Me teaser 1All Chloe really knows is that Rogan’s different. And it confuses her. Her best friend, Monica, assures her it’s all in her head and that Niven is the man she’s been waiting for, but Rogan’s friends (yes, friends) tell her she should explore her feelings for Rogan. In the end, she has to decide for herself and ask the age-old question (well, for this world, anyway): Can robots feel?

This is Me Teaser 3If you like futuristic romance, this is for you. There are AI and even emergency lines and clinics for AI beings. Remember back when sci-fi works were optimistic and the world was a better place instead of a disaster zone? There’s no war in this novel. If you like those types of sci-fi, this is for you. Want to read a great story with an underlying theme of equality? Then this is for you. Want a fun romance with quirky characters? Rogan’s friend is a seven-inch tall ASIST with a spunky attitude. This book is for you.


Want to get this book for $.99? Get it here, but hurry. I don’t know how long she’s keeping it at that price.THIS IS ME PRE ORDER ICON


About C.E. Wilson:

C.E. Wilson is 32 years old, grew up in Millersville, Pennsylvania, and has been living in Pittsburgh since 2009. For the first few years living in Pittsburgh, she was an English teacher. Her first book, “Oath of Servitude,” was published in 2012. In 2013, she quit teaching to be a full-time author and hasn’t looked back since. She loves spending time with her daughter and husband.

Like I said, I’m a fan. I’m part of her Facebook street team. Would you like to join?

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I have an imagination. A huge imagination. It has been know to get me into trouble from time to time. I've been an avid reader my entire life and now am embracing the writer in me.

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