About Me

I’m Emma Woods, author of the Beastly Series. I live in Ohio with my dear husband, daughter, and dogs. I’ve always loved reading and have explored writing since I was young. My latest series, The Beastly Series, debuted its first book, Beasts and Savages on October 1, 2015. Savage Revolution, the second in The Beastly Series, is slated to be out in June 2016.

A few little-known facts about me:

I hate potato salad. Don’t ask me why because I like most of the ingredients. Except mayo. Is that in potato salad? Because I hate that, too.

I’m on tumblr. I don’t really advertise that much because that’s where I go to “get away from it all” and watch funny cat videos. Well.. any fluffy animal videos. And other stuff. So if you’d like to share some funny videos with me there, look me up. I’m wordsofnotsoverywisdom.

I was a band geek. Okay, so people I went to school with know this. But I doubt they know that I got a job for a magazine distributor so that I could pay for private weekly flute lessons. Or that I wrote music and attempted to write a flute/piano duet once. I also learned to play the saxophone so I could be in the jazz band and play in front of the Lincoln Memorial. Band geeks of today can hear things like, “Back in my day, we memorized all five of our sets, and some backup songs. If you didn’t learn your part, you didn’t play. There was no sheet music on the field. And what’s all this standing still? This is a marching band, isn’t it?” anytime I attend a football game. And yes, I’m only there for the halftime show.

15 thoughts on “About Me

  1. Thanks for the follow. This is why I love blogging – we get to meet such interesting people! No band geek here but I did play the piano, does that count? -grin-


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