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At Long Last

To All My Readers,

Some of you may have noticed my silence for over a year. At first, it was purely accidental. The intention was there but then my mind would slip to other thoughts and never return. The first time I felt run down, I was certain I was catching a bug. Called it a late summer cold until I never developed a cough or stuffy nose. I began to forget things, like how to drive to places I’d been to a thousand times. A mist that started at the edge of my cognitive skills slowly thickened until it completely encased my brain, rendering my synapse useless. Most days required all the energy I had just to survive a workday.

As weeks passed, I realized that I couldn’t write anymore. I would sit at my computer and struggle to complete a paragraph. When I read it, it was incomprehensible.

Last August, I was told that my problem was vitamin deficiencies. In October I was told I was “being dramatic”. December’s appointment resulted in a suggestion for meditation and relaxation to help with my “depression”. By February I had to make a visit to the emergency room.

Butterfly Shaped Thyroid Word Cloud

April was when I had a turning point. I was diagnosed with Diabetes, Hashimoto’s, and “spots” on my thyroid. In June I had a biopsy. It came back cancerous in July. Honestly, I wasn’t surprised. I’d become a zombie who’d randomly cry for no apparent reason.

What was the most heartbreaking was that I couldn’t even read. I tried once and read the same paragraph four times. I still can’t tell you what it said. There were some long days in August I was sure that I’d never be able to write again.

Now, four weeks after surgery, I feel the best I have in a long time. I’m cancer (and thyroid) free. My life now revolves around scheduled meals, medications, and supplements but I’m beginning to work things I love back into it. I read a novella this week. It was my first steampunk romance and was delightful.

Before I got sick, I had many irons in the fire. All of the irons have been cast aside haphazardly, collecting dust and cobwebs.Only the hottest and slowest burning of those embers remain.

I’ve decided to dust off my first (and favorite) iron and start writing again. I’m going to start with a short story, posted here, and go on from there. I don’t know when the story will be ready, but I hope some of you will be waiting.

Until then, take care of each other
