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Fiction Authors are Different

I reblogged this because I think it’s something fiction authors need to hear…

After publishing my first novel, Hollow, in 2012 in the early days of  print-on-demand and digital publishing, I began reading every bit of advice I could get my hands on about promoting independent…

Source: Fiction Authors are Different

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Hope to see you at the party!

Its good to be crazy Sometimes

I spent some time wondering how to celebrate my birthday (2nd March) with you, I was encouraged by Jacqueline and her party and thought you know what I will never know till I do it, so 2nd march I shall be holding a meet and greet party.

There it is I am doing it, its out there. I would love you all to come, I am bringing cookies, but you have to bring your own drinks (and presents)

please share the love and reblog this the more presents people the better

View original post

Posted in Blogging, Uncategorized

One Lovely Blog Award


A big huge thank you to  amanpan for nominating me for the One Lovely Blog Award. This is the first time I’ve ever been nominated for an award, and I am thrilled to accept and participate. If you haven’t checked out amanpan , do it. She is a lover of coffee and poetry, two of my favorite things.


The rules are as follows:

  1. Thank the person who nominated you and provide a link to their blog.
  2. Display the award on your post.
  3. List 7 facts about yourself.
  4. Nominate 7 bloggers and let them know you have nominated them.

My 7 facts

  1. I am 4′ 11″  (It’s called fun sized 😉 )
  2. I can’t sing. As in you’d pay me to stop singing.
  3. My favorite color is red. It’s been red since I was five. *Shrugs* I just like it.
  4. I love museums. I went to the Smithsonian once, for one day. Next time, I want to go for a week.
  5. I love arts and crafts, but I’m not very good at them.
  6. I read fast. As in novels-a-day fast, and with intensity. I’ve forgotten to eat, drink, or go to the bathroom for 8 hours to devour a novel and it’s sequel before. ( I don’t recommend this unless you ,too, have an iron bladder.)
  7. I’m still new to blogging, and I’ve met some really awesome bloggers out there! Hello!

My nominees are… wait? Only 7?… Okay, here they are:








The nominees are not obligated to participate in this award nomination.

For those of you that want to participate, enjoy the award!

Have a wonderful weekend, everyone!


Posted in 1803's Book Club, Uncategorized

1803’s Book Club Pick ~In The Unlikely Event by Judy Blume~


Hello! It’s been a few weeks, but I’m baaack!  I took a hiatus to work on Savage Revolution, the second book in my YA series, The Beastly Series. This means that I’ll have lots of exciting news about that later, but for now let’s talk reading.

I’m a member of 1803’s Book Club. We meet every third Thursday of the month and discuss a member’s pick. February was Judy Blume’s novel In The Unlikely Event.


1803’s Official Rating:

***SPOILER ALERT**** Here’s where I tell you about the discussion we had about the book. It includes details of events in the book, so if that ruins a book for you, and you totally had your heart set on reading this, scroll over the next paragraph.

What our group thought about the book:

I commented that the book read more like a YA novel to me, and thought Ms. Blume could have written it from Rusty’s point of view to truly make it an adult novel. Same story, different main character. Another member asked me if I thought the scene where Miri lost her virginity would be too graphic for this to be YA, and I agreed to a point, but didn’t think it would be unsuitable for older teens, like mature 16-year-olds and up. One of our members told us she could always tell when a plane crash was coming because the author would introduce new characters and they’d have a blip in the story, and then die in the crash. Overall, our group thought this bit was an unnecessary part of the novel, except in the case of Ruby, because Natalie claims  that Ruby talks to her from beyond. We had a short discussion about the mystery behind Natalie’s roommate’s death while she’s at the hospital, but never really came to a conclusion as to how she died. We also thought it was strange how there was no definitive reason that Ruby stopped “talking” to Natalie.  I brought up that I felt Judy Blume did too much “name dropping” when she described scenes because every page had a reference to a 1950’s movie, actor, singer, or song. Another club member liked that aspect of the book because she felt she could place herself “in the moment” more.  Lastly, we liked that Mason and Miri had a spark at the end, even after all those years, but didn’t act on it.

Of course, this is a short summary of our discussion and doesn’t include everything. We got out rating of 3.75 by every member assigning a star number, and then I averaged out the responses.

If you’ve read this book, let us know what you thought in the comments. If 1803’s response to the book persuaded you to read In The Unlikely Event (or not),  we’d like to know that, too.

1803’s club pick for March is  Me Before You  by JoJo Moyes

Here’s the blurb from Amazon:

They had nothing in common until love gave them everything to lose . . .

Louisa Clark is an ordinary girl living an exceedingly ordinary life—steady boyfriend, close family—who has barely been farther afield than their tiny village. She takes a badly needed job working for ex–Master of the Universe Will Traynor, who is wheelchair bound after an accident. Will has always lived a huge life—big deals, extreme sports, worldwide travel—and now he’s pretty sure he cannot live the way he is.

Will is acerbic, moody, bossy—but Lou refuses to treat him with kid gloves, and soon his happiness means more to her than she expected. When she learns that Will has shocking plans of his own, she sets out to show him that life is still worth living.

A Love Story for this generation, Me Before You brings to life two people who couldn’t have less in common—a heartbreakingly romantic novel that asks, What do you do when making the person you love happy also means breaking your own heart?

Here are quotes from some of the reviews:

“My heart was not prepared for those kind of feels… *sigh*”

I thought it was going to kind of be like a cheesy love story but it was much more.

Throw away your shades of gray books and read about a real romance- one where individuals ultimately valued each others’ wishes and allowed the other party to grow.

Beautiful book with all the feels, my heart still aches weeks after.

So… a love story that bruises the heart. Awesome. I like beautiful stories, and love romances… but it looks like I’ll be reading this with a box of tissues.


Posted in Author Highlights, Blogging, Uncategorized

Author Highlight ~Grace Harper~

Just because New Year, New Book 2016 is over, don’t expect me to stop highlighting authors. 🙂

Finding Grace Harper was purely a happy accident. I was shopping Indie Authors, and came across the Catherine Brodie Chronicles. When I went to Grace’s webpage, I saw that she was looking for bloggers to promote The Recovery of Catherine Brodie, and another highlight goes down in the books. Enjoy, and don’t forget to sign up for your chance to win a signed paperback!
JPG Kindle Cover

It’s live!

The Recovery of Catherine Brodie is the second book in the Catherine Brodie Chronicles.

A romantic suspense story chronicling Catherine’s life after she made a fatal mistake. The four books span a decade telling the story of how she comes to terms with her new life. The friends and enemies she makes along the way. Will she ever find absolution?

Book 1, The Disappearance of Catherine Brodie is at half price until 17th February, so if you want to start the series, now’s a good time. It’s available on all platforms.

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You can also add it to your TBR list on Goodreads here:


“…’Do you love me yet?’ Alex said, hoping the answer was yes…”

The Recovery of Catherine Brodie starts four years after Erin’s confrontation in the cellar of Green’s. Alexander Devlin wants his band to perform at Green’s and writes a begging email. Erin relents and says yes, even though it goes against all her rules.

Erin continues to put her past behind her, but like every bad penny, they always turn up.

Erin Brodie has made a success of her music venue and it’s the most sought after place in the country for non-signed artists to perform. Alexander Devlin is the guitarist from the rock band Fragile, they are at the top of their game and are just about to release their final album.

Erin drops her guard and so her courtship with Alex begins, but it comes at a price. Erin has enemies and, this time, they have upped their game. This time, her life is in jeopardy and it takes all of her friends to race to find her.

This time, they might just be too late…

To be in with a chance of winning a signed paperback (open internationally), sign up to my newsletter HERE to keep up to date with future releases and exclusive prizes. One winner will be picked from anyone who signed up between 1st February 2016 to 17th February 2016. Winners will be notified via the newsletter in March 2016.
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Grace Harper x

Author Bio

Grace Harper is a British author who loves to write about strong women and the friends and lovers who make them stronger. She adores writing steamy scenes of first encounters and there is always a little twist along the way.

When Grace is not writing, she can be found mooching about in stationery stores, dreaming up tattoo designs or teasing her friends until everyone is in fits of giggles. Grace might have a Maltesers addiction but is not ready to stand up and own that just yet.

If you want to get in touch, please do, Grace is pretty laid back and friendly.

Twitter: @authorgharper / Tsu: @graceharper / Instagram: @authorgraceharper /

Email: / Facbook: Grace Harper, author